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    2月6日 「子どもの夢を叶えるプロジェクト」意見書提出

    11日には、人権啓発大会が開催。講師に北京・ロンドンパラリンピック競泳日本代表でもあり、日本初の義手看護師の伊藤真波(いとう まなみ)さんを迎え、20歳のとき交通事故で右手をなくし心身ともに言葉では言い表せない辛いことも多くありましたが、看護師の夢を諦めず、リハビリで始めた水泳を通じた中で夢を現実のものとしてゆく体験談など、まさしく演題の「あきらめない心」の思いが会場内に強く伝わる講演でした。最後には義手でのバイオリン演奏に会場は大きな拍手と感動の渦に包まれました。


    2月10日 神河町文芸祭表彰式


    2月11日 人権啓発講演会



    24日には、スキー場「峰山高原リゾート ホワイトピーク」の来場者数がシーズン終了の一ヶ月早く目標見込みの5万人を突破いたしました。国内14年ぶりのスキー場とあってテレビ、新聞各社の報道や12月のオープン時から天候に恵まれ、そして何といっても阪神間からのアクセスの良さや初心者・家族向けのコンセプトも支持されたものと感じています。更に来場者の満足度アップを図り、夏場における新たなアトラクションなど四季を通じた賑わい作りに全力で取組んでまいります。


    2月24日 「峰山高原リゾートホワイトピーク」来場者5万人突破






    3月21日 カーミンの春まつり開催(平成29年の画像)

    Message from Mayor in March, 2018

    This year’s winter continues to be very tough. This is a freak winter. The rupturing of water pipes and influenza has become a major problem. However, in various places in town, the Fukinoto flower (butterbur) is starting to bloom.
    “Ah, spring has come!” I feel.
    How are you?

    In the Hokuriku region, the snowfall that began from the evening of February 4 became the heaviest snowfall in the region in 37 years. On national route 8, more than 1,500 vehicles became stuck in the snowfall. Fukui Prefecture requested help from the national government. Daily goods did not reach the area due to the snow and affected local residents. When I saw the news, I felt it was necessary to make sure Kamikawa has safe and secure city planning.

    On February 6, five students from Kamikawa Junior High School Student Council submitted a paper on their “Children’s Dream Fulfillment Project”. There were aspects that made use of the rich nature of Kamikawa Town and proposals for new methods of using Kamikawa Town’s mascot, Kamin. We will work towards making all of these dreams come true.

    On February 10, the awards ceremony for the Kamikawa Town Literary Festival was held.
    On the 11th, a human rights awareness lecture was held. Manami Ito, a Japanese Paralympian, spoke at the event. She competed in the Beijing and London Paralympic Games in swimming. She lost her right arm in a traffic accident when she was 20 years old. She has experienced many painful things and hardships that I cannot imagine, both physically and mentally. However, she did not give up her dream to become a nurse. She started swimming during her rehab. Now, she’s made her dream of becoming a nurse a reality. The thought of her perseverance was strongly felt at the event. Finally, she played the violin with her prosthetic arm. The audience’s applause reached a crescendo and was very impressive.

    On February 19, I visited Higashi-Kashio’s shrine and on the 25th I visited Atago shrine in Kashio. I appreciate the local people who are supporting the traditional culture and history of the area. The area is so appealing due to the locals’ hospitality. Kamin also came to Higashi-Kashio. Kamin, as always, was a hit among the children. At Atago Shrine, I did a fire walk while praying for safety.

    On February 20, the homepage of Kamikawa Town was redesigned. I envisioned the design which captures Kamikawa Town. In addition, smartphones are supported and the design is aimed at being fully accessible.

    On February 24, the number of visitors to the ski resort, Mineyama Kogen Resort “White Peak” hit the target of 50,000 people. It was a month earlier than expected. The conditions have been good since the resort featured in news coverage. The ease access from the Osaka/Kobe area and the family-friendly services provided were promoted in the news coverage. But, I want to satisfy all visitors. I want to consider plans throughout all of the four seasons, such as new attractions in summer.

    On February 25, the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics ended. Japanese athletes were very successful. Japan’s medal tally was four gold, five silver and four bronze. This is the best result for Japan in Winter Olympics history. Also, the women’s curling team had a thrilling third place final. The word “Sodane” (I agree with you!) was uttered constantly during the event. It was a memorable Games. I expect these Games to spread the popularity of winter sports in Japan. I’d like this momentum to continue through the Pyeongchang Winter Paralympic Games, that are starting on March 9, and the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo.

    From March 1, the town business meetings will begin. Topics will include 2018 budgets, regional revitalization, the redevelopment of Kanzaki General Hospital’s north building and the laying down of new internet cables. The regional creation project is in the fourth year of the five-year plan. We will strengthen the processes around job creation, information sharing and promoting further town settlement.
    In particular, the number of births has decreased. Therefore we will work to strengthen strategies centering on childbirth, child rearing and education more than ever.
    As for the reconstruction project at the hospital, due to it being a central hospital in the area, we will develop it as a center that can provide distinctive regional medical care rooted in the community. We are aiming for completion at the end of 2020.
    With regard to the cable 電話evision optical cable conversion and high-speed broadband infrastructure development project, we are aiming to provide high-speed internet that works faster. By renewing the existing infrastructure in the Kanzaki area, the speeds should increase. The projects should be completed by March next year.

    In March, the Kamin Spring Festival will be held on March 21 and the Oukaen mountain of cherry blossoms will also be open. It will feel like spring!
    Also, graduation ceremonies will be held at Kamikawa Junior High School, the nursery schools, kindergartens and elementary schools. This is ‘growing-up’ season. We are working towards creating a town that makes our children feel that they want to continue living here.

    Although it’s spring on the calendar, the temperature is still changing and the air will still dry out. The Spring Nationwide Fire Prevention Campaign starts from March 1. Please watch for fires and take care of your health.



    所在地: 〒679-3116 兵庫県神崎郡神河町寺前64番地(神河町役場本庁舎2階)

    電話番号: 0790-34-0001 ファックス番号: 0790-34-0691



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