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2月2日 公立神崎総合病院北館第1期工事完成内覧会
2月8日 第4回子どもの夢を叶える授業
2月19日 薬神さん

2月24日 愛宕さん
23日から24日には、スキー場「峰山高原リゾート ホワイトピーク」でプリンサミットが開催され多くの来場者で賑わいました。来場者数も24日現在43,000人(前年比85%)と2ndシーズンとして年明けから順調に推移しています。また、スキーバスでは着実にインバウンド(訪日外国人観光客)も増えておりまして、ホテルの入込客と合わせて、阪神間からのアクセスの良さや初心者・家族向けのコンセプトなど、このスキー場の持つ利点を最大限活用しながら、更に来場者の満足度アップを図ってまいります。

2月23日・24日 峰山プリンサミット2019
24日には、生活支援協議体推進フォーラムinかみかわ「広げよう!ささえ愛 つながり愛」と題して、地域の支え合いの仕組みとして協議体の実践発表会が開催されました。本村区、大山区、越知区の3つの協議体から実践発表があり、地域の課題に対しできることからの取組みや救命・救急安心カプセルの取組みなどが紹介されましたが、まずはみんなが集まることがスタートだと感じました。
そして、“ハートがふれあう住民自治のまち 大好き!私たちの町 神河”のまちづくりのビジョンのもと作成されました第2次長期総合計画を推進してまいります。
かみかわ桜の山 桜華園の桜(平成30年3月の画像)

Message from Mayor in March, 2019
The mornings and evenings are still cold. But I can feel the Spring sunshine. How are you?
On February 2 Kanzaki General Hospital’s North Building construction was finished and a private viewing was held. Hospital rooms, surgery and medicine dispensing rooms have begun operating in this building. Furthermore, from April this hospital will have Dermatology and Gynecology specialists from Kobe University Hospital visit once a week. This hospital is becoming the area’s main health hub.
On February 8 102 second grade students from Kamikawa Junior High School took part in the 4th “Dreams for Kamikawa” project. Due to the current state of Kamikawa Town, we need to work on regional creation. Students discussed what kind of town they want to have. On March 12 we are looking forward to hearing from the students.
On February 11 the Human Rights Lecture was held. The speaker was a commentator from a Kansai area morning TV program, Ms Taniguchi Mayumi. She is an associate professor at Osaka International University. She discussed how more female representation is needed at work and emphasised that more than 30 per cent of business meetings need to be attended by women. Men and women together need to have equal responsibilities in society, and we need to be more assertive to reach this goal for the world. I agree with Ms Taniguchi’s sentiments.
On February 19 Kamikawa Town’s Higashi Kashio ward’s Yakujin Shrine had its festival with Kashio ward’s Atago Shrine festival following on February 24. We thank the locals for holding traditional events at the festivals.
From February 23 to 24 there was a “Pudding Summit” competition held at Mineyama Kogen ‘White Peak’ and many participants came. Up till February 24, the ski resort had seen 43,000 visitors (85 per cent of last year’s attendance). Many people came for the second season which is pleasing. Also, more foreign visitors are using the ski bus.
On February 24 the life support forum was held in Kamikawa Town. Three ward representatives spoke at the event. The wards discussed their efforts towards life savings and first aid capsules for first responders.
Also on February 3, I met Kamikawa Junior High School second year Ms Fujiwara Karen. She was crowned the national 60 meters hurdles champion at the Junior High School championships. I also met Japan’s karate championship cup winner, Kanzaki Elementary School third grade student Ms Kakiuchi Ren. I will do my best to support the town’s youth in their endeavours.
From March 1 to 22 the town’s general assembly will hold meetings. Next fiscal year’s policies include regional creation, Kanzaki Hospital’s North Building renovations, and the second “plan” for Kamikawa Town long-term.
We are coming to the end of the five-year plan. We will continue to work toward our aims of improving this town so the youth and new residents want to stay and live here.
The renovations of the North Building, Central and South buildings of the Kanzaki Hospital will go until next March.
March has many Spring events. Please participate in some Kamikawa Town Spring events.
In conclusion, the calendar says Spring has begun but the weather is fluctuating and the air is still dry. From March 1 the National Spring Fire Prevention campaign will start. Please watch for fires and your health.
所在地: 〒679-3116 兵庫県神崎郡神河町寺前64番地(神河町役場本庁舎2階)
電話番号: 0790-34-0001 ファックス番号: 0790-34-0691