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11月4日 第6回かみかわ商工祭
6日には、神河町出身の少女漫画家 藤原ヒロさんに「神河ハート大使」に就任いただきました。代表作である「会長はメイド様!」は全18巻で累計570万部を発刊されるとともにアジア・欧米各国でも翻訳されるなど、国際的に活躍されています。藤原ヒロさん目線で、全国に神河町のPRを期待しております。
11日には、秋季全国火災予防運動を推進するため、神河町消防団防火パレードが開催されました。これからどんどん空気が乾燥してまいります。防火標語「忘れていない? サイフにスマホに 火の確認」。お互いに火の確認を徹底しましょう。
18日には、新野水車の里「収穫祭」、あじさいコーラス40周年コンサート、23日には、根宇野区でゆず祭り、またJR播但線長谷駅利用促進活性化事業の「第5回生野長谷間 紅葉健康ウォーキング」が、過去最高の230名の参加のなか開催されました。

11月23日 第5回紅葉ウォーキング

11月24日 カーミンの収穫祭

11月24日・25日 道の駅「銀の馬車道・神河」1周年記念イベント「収穫祭」
12月には、神河町に冬の蛍が訪れます。1日には神河町人権・青少年健全育成合同大会が、2日にはクリーン作戦、15日には寺前駅前でイルミネーション点灯式が開催されます。寒い冬を明るく照らしてまいりましよう。そして20日にはスキー場「峰山高原リゾート ホワイトピーク」が2年目のオープンを迎えます。家族も初心者も楽しいリゾート、西日本最大級のキッズパークで町民の皆様をはじめ、お越しいただいた方々に満足いただけるよう努めてまいります。ぜひとも銀世界の高原を満喫してください。

Message from Mayor in December, 2018
The Fall colors have hit their peak. The first snowfall was seen on Mineyama Heights. It’s getting colder and colder by the day.
On November 4 Kamikawa’s 11th voluntary disaster drill was held in Ochi area. The drill was mainly focused on fire fighting and evacuation procedures. Thank you for your ongoing support for these required drills.
Also on November 4 Kamikawa’s 6th Commercial and Industrial Festival was held in front of Kamikawa’s town hall. Kanzaki nursery school performed a drum piece and Kamikawa Junior High School’s brass band performed. Also, Kanzaki Senior High School’s student council performed the traditional Nanchu Soran song and dance from Hokkaido. The festival was held by the town’s commercial and industrial group. This event was focused on the female members. The performances and lectures moved all of the spectators. Many events were held on the day, including a PR lecture to promote local companies. Promoting local businesses is important for the town’s economy. If businesses and industry are strong, the town will become cheerful and prosperous.
On November 6 manga artist Fujiwara Hiro from Kamikawa Town came back to her hometown and she was crowned as “Kamikawa’s Heart Ambassador”. She is the author of the manga Maid Sama! 5,700,000 total copies were published across 18 volumes. The series has been translated into many languages and is popular overseas. Thanks to Ms Fujiwara for publicizing Kamikawa across the world.
On November 7 the 50th anniversary meeting of the Hyogo Residents’ Association Foundation was held. An appreciation award for a long-standing head-of-ward service was presented to Mr Fujiwara Michihiro from Okawara, Kamikawa and Mr Kanji Nakajima from Honmura area. I would like to congratulate them for their service.
On November 10 and 11 the 12th Harvest Festival was held at Yamabiko School. Students from outside Kamikawa Town are currently studying at Ochidani Elementary School and are staying at Yamabiko School. The students put on a performance to demonstrate their knowledge from living in the town, including drumming and dancing. The participants’ growth since moving to town has been tremendous. Many locals participated too. Thanks to all those who participated.
Also on November 11 Kamikawa’s firefighting team held a fire prevention parade. The air is becoming drier. Remember the motto: “Don’t forget to check for your purse, your phone and your gas stove”.
On November 18 Niino area held its Harvest Festival. There was also a 40th anniversary Ajisai Chorus Concert.
On November 23 Miyono area held its Yuzu Festival. On the same day, the JR Bantan Line event was held. 230 people walked between Ikuno and Hase stations.
On November 24 the Japanese Agriculture (JA) Agriculture Festival and Kamin Harvest Festivals were held in Teramae area. The Kamin Festival was held by the Kamikawa Tourism Board, the new Teramae supermarket Machinoakari, and the businesses along the main street in Teramae area.
On November 24 and 25 the 1st anniversary of the Silver Carriage Road Station was held. 160,000 people have visited the station since it opened. Also on November 25, a Japanese Yam Festival was held in Kamioda area.
The weather has been good across the weekends in October and November. Everyone is very pleased I think! When I’ve gone to visit town events on the weekend I enjoy talking with the visitors. I feel that the locals’ spirits’ are all part of the spirit of Kamikawa. I am going to try my best for you all!
In December the Winter Firefly illuminations are going to begin. On December 1 a human rights and youth forum will be held. Furthermore, on December 2 a meeting will be held to discuss the town’s ‘clean strategy’.
On December 20 the skiiing area, Mineyama Heights Resort ‘White Peak’ will have its first anniversary. Both families and beginners can enjoy the resort! Please visit the resort this upcoming ski season.
From December 6 to 19 the town will have regularly scheduled business meetings. Discussion topics will include budgets and town regulations among other issues.
Finally, from December 26 the volunteering firefighting teams will patrol through town until December 31.
The winter weather is going to get severe from now on. Please take care of your health.
From myself and everyone in Kamikawa’s town administration, we wish you a safe and happy festive season.
所在地: 〒679-3116 兵庫県神崎郡神河町寺前64番地(神河町役場本庁舎2階)
電話番号: 0790-34-0001 ファックス番号: 0790-34-0691