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10月21日 砥峰高原ススキまつり

10月22日 神崎高校 西日本豪雨災害ボランティアへ

10月6日から8日 神河町各地域秋祭り

10月6日から8日 神河町各地域秋祭り
結びに、11月9日から1週間、「忘れていない? サイフにスマホに 火の確認」全国統一防火標語のもと秋季全国火災予防運動が展開されます。空気が乾燥し火災が発生しやすくなっており、特に近年はたき火・野焼きによる火災が増えております。注意のほど宜しくお願いいたします。また、季節の変わり目です。体調管理には十分ご留意いただきながらお過ごしいただきますようお祈りをし、11月のごあいさつとさせていただきます。

11月4日 かみかわ商工祭チラシ

Message from Mayor in November, 2018
The mornings and evenings are getting colder. The fall colors are deepening and the pampas grass is growing taller at Tonomine Heights. The grass has almost reached its peak.
On October 14, the Yamada Farming Company held a sale. Soybeans and chestnut rice was sold along with freshly harvested rice. The weather was good and many people attended.
A couple from Kamikawa were chosen to offer millet seeds to the Imperial Family at the Niiname festival on October 23. Mr and Mrs Hirono came to discuss their impending meeting with the Emperor and Empress beforehand with me on October 17. They poured their love into the millet seeds and cultivated the plant for a year. I could feel their passion for the cultivation process.
On October 21, the Japanese Pampas Grass festival was held. The festival was broadcasted live on Kamikawa’s cable TV station. 4400 visitors attended. Everybody was taken on a walk throughout the area with clear skies and blooming pampas grass. The musical performances were also enjoyable.
On October 22, the volunteer club and the school council from Kanzaki High School had a meeting with me. The students came to discuss their volunteering plans in Kurashiki City, Okayama. The area was badly impacted by the torrential rains in July. Currently, 89 people are still living in emergency accomodation despite the disaster occuring more than three months ago. Kamikawa Town still believes support is needed. The Town will have a collection box in the Town Hall and the Kanzaki Town Hall. Everybody please donate what you can.
I inspected the Obara ECO project in Katsuyama City, Fukui from October 23 - 24. The Obara area is underpopulated and there is a possibility that the population will fall to zero. However, the area’s administration has formulated a master plan for 100 years. Mechanisms are now in place to develop the plan. The basic policy utilizes “area resources” and cooperation within the area. Kamikawa Town would also like to advance these kinds of policies.
There were fall festivals in all areas of the town in October. Some areas’ festivities were postponed due to typhoons, but overall the festivals were successful. The exchange of cultures and tradition from the town’s elderly to the children will ensure the future of our town’s festivals.
November will see the town run voluntary disaster drills, a fire prevention parade, a commercial and industrial festival, the agriculture festival, a harvest festival and a lecture on human rights.
Also, the Silver Carriage Road Station in town reaches its first anniversary on November 25. There will be a celebratory event including the popular carriage rides. Please stop by.
In relation to the Town Character Grand Prix 2018, the voting lasts until November 9. Please keep voting for Kamin. There are also limited edition New Year’s Kamin postcards. Please pick one up before they sell out.
Japan holds its national fire prevention campaign from November 9 - 16. “Don’t forget” is the campaign’s slogan. ‘Don’t forget to check for your purse, your phone and your gas stove.’ The air is drying up and open-air fires can start more easily. Please be careful.
所在地: 〒679-3116 兵庫県神崎郡神河町寺前64番地(神河町役場本庁舎2階)
電話番号: 0790-34-0001 ファックス番号: 0790-34-0691