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9月7日から9日 第13回神河町美術展

9月9日 アジア国際交流フォーラム
16日には、快晴の元「新たな伝統へ ~われらの青春ここにあり 神河ハンパないって!!~」のスローガンのもとに第8回神河中学校体育大会が開催されました。前日の雨で順延しての開催でしたが、クラス一丸で取組まれた「みんなでジャンプ」や学年を超え連合チームで取組んだ「応援合戦」など、仲間とともに力を合わせて取組む種目が増え、絆が深まった体育大会になったのではないかなと感じました。

9月16日 神河中学校体育大会

9月23日 砥峰高原観月会


Message from Mayor in October, 2018
Summer has ended and Fall has begun. It’s also rice harvesting season. However, in September there was a lot of rain. Therefore farming schedules and weekend events were postponed.
But, there are many red spider lily flowers blooming and Fall is coming.
On September 7, the 13th Kamikawa Town Art Exhibition began. 172 works were exhibited. I appreciated all of the art. Beginners and well-trained artists submitted art for the exhibition.
On September 9, an Asian International Exchange Forum was held in Green Echo Kasagata. The forum was about promoting international exchange. The town invited representatives from Vietnam, The Philippines and Cambodia. We discussed increasing migration, population decline, welfare services and other policies. From this year, town representatives will visit Cambodia and The Philippines. These visits build cooperation and increase international exchange opportunities.
From September 14, the 14th Kamikawa building internship was held. The town would like to thank the Hyogo Prefectural Construction Association’s Kanzaki Chapter and local residents from Nakamura and Awagamachi areas. The program is aimed at the “succession” of traditional building and construction techniques. 26 students, including students from Okinawa’s Technical High School, participated this year. The students worked on the Awagamachi Garbage Station and at the Shinki Green Bus Terminal. This internship is a fantastic opportunity to deepen understanding of forestry in the historic areas of Nakamura and Awagamachi.
On September 16, the 8th Kamikawa Junior High School Sports Day was held in sunny conditions. Because of rainfall the day before, it was postponed until the Sunday. The jump rope competitions and the cheerleading events helped to build students comradery.
On September 23, the Kindergarten and Elementary School Sports Day was held, after also being postponed due to rainfall. Each school had its own unique events and all spectators supported enthusiastically.
Also on September 23, a Moon Viewing Party was held at Tonomine Heights. This party was the first in two years. The moon rose and then the festivities began. The bonfire was lit and the stage became very lively. The events included a drum performance from Okawachi area. The Japanese pampas grass is in full bloom too. Please use the local bus, running from October 6, to visit Tonomine Heights.
On September 26, the Mayor’s of the towns in the West Harima area of Hyogo Prefecture gathered together to table demands to the Hyogo Prefectural Government. Kamikawa Town’s requests included the promotion of the JR Bantan Line and further road construction in and out of the town. The Town Administration is working to provide solutions and improve town infrastructure.
The Town Assembly closed on September 27. Town business included account settlement and revising budgets. In additional business, many issues were discussed; including AEDs, solar power, forestry construction, flood measures and more.
The Japanese Pampas Grass festival will be held on October 21 at Tonomine Heights. Please enjoy this local event.
Furthermore, the Town is aiming to promote the Hase area. If you have any spectacular photos along the JR Bantan Line near the Hase Station area, please contact the town and send them through.
Please take care while driving as the sun is setting earlier these days. Also please take care of your health during Fall.
所在地: 〒679-3116 兵庫県神崎郡神河町寺前64番地(神河町役場本庁舎2階)
電話番号: 0790-34-0001 ファックス番号: 0790-34-0691