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7月1日 第1回神河ヒルクライム

7月15日 長谷駅前納涼まつり&播但沿線フォーラム

7月26日 寺前楽座”まちの灯り”竣工祈願祭

7月30日 寺前楽座”まちの灯り”グランドオープン
4日は神河町最大のイベント第13回かみかわ夏まつりが、「かみかわ最高!!平成の思い出を作ろう!」をテーマに、神崎小学校グラウンドにおいて開催されます。神崎保育園鼓隊パレード、神河中学校吹奏楽部の演奏、カーミンダンス、盆踊り、夜店、そして夜空を彩る首が痛くなるほど真上にあがる花火1000発です。そして最後は、 “ほっこり笑顔の写真”のスライド上映です。今年も盛りだくさんの内容で多くの方々のご来場を心からお待ちしております。尚、当日は大変込み合いますので夜店の割引サービス券付無料送迎バスを是非ご利用ください。

8月4日 第13回かみかわ夏まつりポスター
Message from Mayor in August, 2018
Due to the record rainfall between July 5 - 7, after Typhoon Prapiroon hitting the region, many places in West Japan were declared disaster areas. I express my deepest condolences to the victims. I sincerely pray for the quick restoration of the affected areas. In Kamikawa Town, we set up donation boxes at eight locations around town and requested donations. Also, from Town Hall, we dispatched two disaster investigators to Okayama Prefecture from July 23 - 25. We expect there to be long-term relief support provided. The town will continue to cooperate with Hyogo Prefecture and the Kansai area to provide assistance.
In addition, in Kamikawa Town, damage mainly occured in the Odawara, Kawakami and Hase areas. The rainfall gauge in Kamioda exceeded 700 mm. Based on the damage, we need to do more work to prevent future landslides in the area. We are temporarily restoring the damaged area and are preparing for further disasters and disaster recovery.
Typhoon Jongdari approached and passed through Kamikawa Town in the early morning on July 29. I am thankful this typhoon did not cause major damage. We will continue to prepare for disasters and take appropriate measures.
In May, the Community Roundtable Meetings, began in Shinden-ku. Only Fuchi-ku is left to participate. I want to discuss issues directly with townspeople, such as disaster prevention and other policies. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone, including the mayor of each district, who welcomed the town administration into their area. I would like to ask for your continued support in developing Kamikawa Town.
On July 1, the first Kamikawa Hill Climb was held. 473 cyclists participated, and the winning time was an incredible 39 minutes. Everyone who was cheering alongside the road was overwhelmed by the competitors speed. The athletes also felt the support of everyone along the track. At the end of the race, the participants visited the “Summer Story” along the Ochi River Meisui Road and the open-air market in front of Teramae Station. They enjoyed the nature and food from Kamikawa Town. I hope that the race continues to grow for the future.
Also on July 1, the Nakaharima Firefighting Training Championship was held in Miki City. The Fukumoto and Ochidani groups participated. Both claimed second prize in their respective events. We wish to express our gratitude to all the participants.
Postponed until July 15, “Summer Cleanup Operation” was eventually held. Everyone in town is working every day to create a beautiful town.
Also on July 15, the Hase Station’s Summer Evening Festival was held. The festival was very busy with many events.
On July 21, the 13th Kanzaki District Children’s Society Ball Game Tournament was held in Fukusaki Town. Teramae’s team came second in volleyball. Congratulations to all participants and the parents who supported their children throughout the competition.
On July 30, Teramae’s new supermarket “Machino Akari” opened. I hope the local area will enjoy having a new store.
This year will we also enter Kamin in the Yuru Character Grand Prix 2018 competition. The voting period is until November 9. Please vote for Kamin!
On August 4, Kamikawa Town’s biggest event, the 13th Kamikawa Summer Festival will be held at Kanzaki Elementary School ground. The theme of this year’s festival is: “Kamikawa is the best!! Let’s make a memory of the Heisei!”. The festival’s events include the Kanzaki Nursery School drum parade, the Kamikawa Junior High School brass band, the Kamin dance, the Bon Odori dance, shops and 1000 fireworks. There will also be a picture slideshow presenting smiling faces shown at the end of the event. Please use the free shuttle bus on the day to prevent overcrowding. Also, the current firework fund has 1,599 supporters. The town’s target is 2,500 supporters, so please continue to support the fund.
On August 11 it’s Mountain Day in Japan, okawachi hiking will be held. On August 18, the Hyogo River Summer Festival will be held in Kamikawa. Furthermore, on August 25, the screening of the Peace Memorial Movie Council, “Fly! Dakota” will occur.
In conclusion, during the school’s summer vacation, radio exercises have started in the area. As part of promoting health over the summer, the town’s radio system is broadcasting the exercises. Please participate!
Finally, the Japan Meteorological Agency has said the summer heat is at critical level. I pray that you stay in good health while continuing to take measures against heat stroke.
所在地: 〒679-3116 兵庫県神崎郡神河町寺前64番地(神河町役場本庁舎2階)
電話番号: 0790-34-0001 ファックス番号: 0790-34-0691