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4月1日 神河町消防初出式および入退団式

4月7日・8日 かみかわ桜の山「桜華園」さくらまつり

4月15日 越知川名水街道春物語

4月15日 グリーンエコー笠形春祭り
20日には、ワールドマスターズゲームズ2021関西 神河町実行委員会を立ち上げました。東京オリンピックの翌年の2021年5月に峰山高原でオリエンテーリング競技が開催されます。世界各国からの選手並びに訪日外国人観光客受入れに向けて準備を推し進めてまいります。

5月3日 道の駅「銀の馬車道・神河」春のイベントチラシ
Message from Mayor in May, 2018
After April’s Spring flowers bloom, the new leaves are beginning to sprout in May. The carp streamers in Green Echo Kasagata are flowing comfortably in the sky.
How are you?
Many events were held in town in April. There were a lot of visitors.
On April 1, the entrance and exit ceremony of Kamikawa Firefighting Brigade was held. Many people attended the event. 381 firemen from the brigade participated. This ceremony is a tradition of Kamikawa Firefighting Brigade and also a good opportunity for the firemen to practice. I thank everybody for their devotion to their role and to Mr.Yamashita, the former head of the brigade, for his service. We look forward to working with Mr.Kinoshita, the new head of the brigade.
A Cherry Blossom Festival was held at the “Okaen” mountain of cherry blossoms on April 7 and 8. The cherry blossoms bloomed early this year. There was drumming and dancing performances.
On April 8, Kamikawa Town’s merchants group, including the young members and the female members, had a ceremony for their 10th anniversary. A lecture was given to some companies and their best employees. A letter of thanks was provided to everybody. The merchants group are important for our town.
On April 15, the “Spring Story” of Ochi River Meisui Road and Spring Festival was held at Green Echo Kasagata. There was a bicycle descent, a stamp rally and Kamin, Kamikawa’s mascot, threw rice cakes into the excited crowd. Thank you to all those who attended.
Kamikawa Town’s "World Masters Games 2021 Kansai" committee started on April 20. An orienteering event will be held at Mineyama Heights in 2021, the year after the Tokyo Olympic Games. We are preparing for many foreign participants and visitors to come to Japan in the next few years.
Kamikawa’s Congressional Election vote was held on April 22. 12 councillors were elected. The first assembly is on May 2. The Congress is responsible for acting as a check on the town’s administration.
On May 3, the roadside station “Gin no Basyamichi, Kamikawa” will be held a spring event.
Also, the bicycle descent on the Ochi River Meisui Road can now feel a refreshing summer breeze. It’s now a good season to enjoy Kamikawa.
Kanzaki High School’s Open Day will be held on May 12. At the Open Day, Dr.Tomio Suzuki, from Osaka Medical College, will make a speech.
On May 20, Kamikawa Firefighting Brigade will hold a training championship. All town members are welcome to attend.
From May 14, I will visit each village of Kamikawa Town to meet with the townspeople. This is the 9th time the community roundtable meeting. I am committed to improving Kamikawa Town. Therefore I’m interested in everyone’s honest opinions. Everyone’s voice is important.
Thank you for your continuous support.
所在地: 〒679-3116 兵庫県神崎郡神河町寺前64番地(神河町役場本庁舎2階)
電話番号: 0790-34-0001 ファックス番号: 0790-34-0691