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    引き続き、いま進めています地域創生5か年計画に基づく事業の更なる推進と「交流から定住」「住むなら やっぱり 神河町」をキャッチフレーズに、山林、農業の再生は基より、神河町の地域の魅力に磨きをかけ情報発信に努め、高齢者福祉の継続、更に11月より地域おこし協力隊による健康増進事業の強化、そして何と言っても教育・子育て支援を更に強化してまいります。希望を持って結婚、出産、子育てできる施策の強化継続こそが、20年30年後の神河町の創造にも繋がります。合わせて、高齢者にやさしいまちづくりになることを確信いたします。




    11月5日 第5回かみかわ商工祭



    11月11~12日 神河やまびこ学園第11期収穫祭

    23日には、JR播但線「長谷駅利用促進」活性化事業、第4回生野~長谷 紅葉健康ウォーキングが開催されました。私も途中からウォーキングに参加し、皆様とおいしい食事をいただきました。そして生野駅から汽車に乗り、快速列車を長谷駅に止めていただくという気配りをJRにして頂きました。当日はスタッフ含め200人以上の参加があり、参加者や会場の盛り上がりは年々高まっていると感じています。



    11月23日 第4回紅葉ウォーキング&健康寿命維持活動

    25日には、兵庫県と共同で進めてまいりました中播磨初となります、道の駅「銀の馬車道・神河」がオープンしました。記念式典後オープニングイベントでは、「かまど」で炊いたご飯などが振舞われ、馬車の乗車体験も大盛況のうちに終わりました。既存の道の駅と違った新しいタイプの道の駅であり、日本遺産!!「銀の馬車道 鉱石の道」の魅力アップと合わせ、地域の皆様とともに新しい交流の場を拡げてまいります。


    道の駅銀の馬車道・神河 完成記念式典の様子

    11月25日 道の駅「銀の馬車道・神河」完成記念式典

    道の駅銀の馬車道・神河 オープニングイベントの様子

    11月25~26日 道の駅「銀の馬車道・神河」オープニングイベント

    12月には、神河町に冬の蛍が訪れます。3日にはクリーン作戦、9日には寺前駅前でイルミネーション点灯式が開催されます。寒い冬を明るく照らしてまいりましよう。そしていよいよ16日にはスキー場「峰山高原リゾート ホワイトピーク」がオープンします。神河町の地域創生推進強化の起爆剤になることはもちろんのこと、この波及効果を拡げていく所存でございます。最新の設備を有したスノーパークに町民の皆様をはじめ、お越しいただいた方々が満足いただける施設として、自信を持って提供してまいります。ぜひとも神河町の冬を満喫してください。


    Message from Mayor in December, 2017

    The Kamikawa mayoral election was held on November 19. I was re-elected for the third time with the support of many people both inside and outside of Kamikawa. I would like to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart for my re-election.
    I'm working to promote the town's businesses based on the regional creation five-year plan. I'm also working towards the regeneration of forests and agriculture in town. I want to promote our region, look after the elderly and further strengthen our health organisations through Kamikawa Local Vitalization Cooperator.
    Further, I want to strengthen education and child-rearing support. I aim for happy marriages and childrearing in town. These measures will take effect in around 20 to 30 years. Therefore I am convinced Kamikawa will become a welcoming town for our elderly population.
    Next financial year, we will cooperate with the townspeople through our second long-term comprehensive town plan. We appreciate your guidance and encouragement.

    On November 5, the Fire Protection Campaign of the Kamikawa firefighting team was held. Also, the 10th voluntary disaster prevention drill was conducted. There was safety confirmation training, AED training and demonstrated flood management methods. We encourage you to continue to support us in creating secure urban planning management.

    Also on November 5, the "Kamikawa Commerce Festival" was held in front of the town hall. Himeji firefighters brass band featured at the festival. The weather was great and we were treated to performances from the Kamikawa Junior High School brass band, the Kanzaki Nursery marching band and the Kanzaki High School Student Council dancing performance group. There was also a ladies group performance and youth group performance. We look forward to continuing to cooperate with businesses in town to promote the charm of Kamikawa.

    From November 11 - 12, Harvest festival was held at the Yamabiko School. Yamabiko School is hosting students from other areas around Japan. Visiting students get to experience life as an Ochidani Elementary School student. I recognize the importance of this project and thank you for your cooperation, including the host families who supported this project.

    On November 23, the Hase Station Promotion Project, "The 4th Fall Leaves Walking" event was held. I participated and had a delicious meal with everyone. There were more than 200 participants. "I felt the excitement of the more than 200 participants, and am pleased to see the event is growing every year."

    On November 23, Kamin's Harvest Festival was held in front of Teramae Station. Also, the Yuzu Festival was held in Miyono area. At the Yuzu Festival, I saw people from Kobe and Osaka visiting. I want people to cherish Kamikawa's famous Yuzu and promote it throughout Japan.

    On November 25, the roadside station "Gin no Basyamichi, Kamikawa" opened. The opening event saw kamado rice cooking and participants could ride on a horse-drawn carriage. This is new type of roadside station different from existing one. We will also promote the charm of the Japan Heritage "Old Silver Mine Carriage Road". We will promote tourism and exchange information with visitors to Kamikawa.

    On November 26, Kamin's Harvest Festival was held in front of Niino Station.
    On the same day, the Kanzaki branch of Kamikawa's town hall held a sports event. Official town welfare facilities were promoted at the event. The collaboration of people working in nursing facilities in town will lead to the development of improved welfare for the elderly and disabled in Kamikawa.

    On December 3, we will hold a Winter Cleanup Operation and on December 9 we will have an illumination lighting ceremony in front of Teramae station. The illumination is called the "Winter Firefly". The lights will lighten up this cold winter brightly. Finally, the skiing resort, Mineyama Kogen Resort "White Peak" opens on December 16. We hope that the opening of this resort will have a ripple effect and further promote Kamikawa tourism and boost regional creation. Please visit Mineyama Kogen Resort.

    In conclusion, I will convene the December parliamentary meeting from December 8 - 26. We will discuss the budget and other town business. Also, Kamikawa firefighting team will be patrolling town from December 26.

    From now on, the temperature is getting more severe. Please pay attention to your health. I pray that everyone has a Happy New Year. Thank you to everyone who supported the town in 2017. I would like to express my appreciation for all of your support this year.
    See you all in 2018.



    所在地: 〒679-3116 兵庫県神崎郡神河町寺前64番地(神河町役場本庁舎2階)

    電話番号: 0790-34-0001 ファックス番号: 0790-34-0691



    • 神河町ふるさと納税
    • 移住定住支援サイトかみかわくらす
    • かみかわ観光ナビ