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    引き続き、「交流から定住」「住むなら やっぱり 神河町」のキャッチフレーズのもと、神河町の魅力に磨きをかけ、高齢者福祉をはじめ、教育・子育て若者定住施策を中心に、地域創生事業を全力で進めてまいりますので、皆様のご支援、ご協力をお願いいたします。



    広島東洋カープ平岡敬人投手 表敬訪問の様子





    また同日、「神河囲炉裏の宿 豊楽」の「白味噌ぼたん鍋」プロジェクトが「キラリひょうごプロジェクト」選定されるなど、神河町の特産品が自他ともに認められてきています。
    続く16日には、国内14年ぶりの新設スキー場、「峰山高原リゾート ホワイトピーク」が白銀の世界の下グランドオープン。最新の設備を備えたスキー場として、これからも認知度をさらに上げていき、本格的な冬を迎えるにあたり、より多くの方々にお越しいただき、神河町の冬を存分に楽しんでいただきたいと思います。


    道の駅 銀の馬車道・神河 オープンの様子


    峰山高原リゾート ホワイトピークの写真1


    峰山高原リゾート ホワイトピークの写真2




    Message from Mayor in January, 2018

    Happy New Year.

    The Kamikawa Town Mayoral Election was held on November 19. I was re-elected for the third time with the support of many people inside and outside of Kamikawa Town. I would like to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart for my re-election.
    I will continue to refine the charm of Kamikawa Town under the catcホームページhrase "settlement that comes from exchange" and "Kamikawa - The best place to live!". We are focusing on the welfare of the elderly, education and child rearing policies. We look forward to your support and cooperation as we will continue our work.

    Overseas, North Korea's repeated missile launches are continuing to heighten tensions across the world. In addition, terrorism occurred frequently all over the world last year. There were many victims. Every time I hear these stories, I hope for a peaceful world without war and nuclear weapons.
    In Japan, the General Election of the National Diet was held on October 22. The Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito Group coalition won more than 300 seats and the Abe Administration will continue. Current Abe Administration policies include child rearing support, increasing the consumption tax and the introduction of an environmental tax. For Kamikawa Town, we support child rearing policies, housing accessibility for young people and the regeneration of agriculture and the forestry industry. Therefore, I believe we will work warmly together with this administration in the promotion of these policies.

    In sport, Yoshihide Kiryu was the first Japanese 100m runner to break the national record at 9.98 seconds. I am hoping that our Japanese athletes will train hard before the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2020. Also, baseball pitcher Takato Hiraoka, who was born in Kamikawa Town, has been selected as part of the Hiroshima Toyo Carp Baseball team in the national competition. On December 26, Mr Hiraoka visited Kamikawa Town.

    Last January in Kamikawa, there was record snowfall from January 14. Everyone in town worked hard to cope during the heavy snowfall.
    On April 28, "Old Silver Mine Carriage Road / Ore Road" was registered as a Japan Heritage site. On November 25, the roadside station "Gin no Basyamichi, Kamikawa" opened. It is very busy every day with many visitors. From now on, we will be promoting tourism from this site.
    The renovation work of the North Building at Kanzaki General Hospital began on June 26. Construction is progressing, and we're on track for re-opening in 2019.
    On October 22, Typhoon Lan made landfall. In Yoshitomi-ku, Kasuga Shrine was comple電話y destroyed. In Nakamura-ku, Umeda Shrine was partly damaged. Furthermore, many buildings were damaged in various parts of the town. We are now working towards restoring these buildings.

    On December 4, Kamikawa Town's Yuzu skin cream was selected as a "five stars Hyogo". This product was designed by Kamikawa Junior High School students in 2016.
    Also on December 4, the "White Miso Wild Boar Nabe" at Horaku restaurant was selected by the "Kirari Hyogo Project". Both local and other speciality products from Kamikawa Town are being recognised and prized across Japan.
    On December 16, the first ski resort to open in 14 years opened in Kamikawa Town. Mineyama Kogen Resort “White Peak" had its grand opening on a beautiful snowy day. As it is a ski resort with state-of-the-art equipment, we will continue to promote it across Japan. During the height of winter, I would like to invite everyone to enjoy winter activities in Kamikawa Town.

    I feel that the town is entering a new stage. From our new buildings such as roadside station "Gin no Basyamichi, Kamikawa" and Mineyama Kogen Resort, we are hoping to refine this new Kamikawa Town and expand. Various events in town are being covered in newspapers and, as a result, the reputation of Kamikawa Town has risen sharply in recent years. I think this is due to our hospitable community. Please continue to promote our charming town!

    In order to further promote regional creation, it's important that our community is unified in our hopes for Kamikawa Town. Put simply, the first aim we can all follow is to "have a comfortable town for everyone." We are working towards hiring more medical professionals at Kanzaki General Hospital, enhancing medical equipment through the reconstruction of the North Building. Further, the town is committed to taking care of the elderly population in town.
    The second aim is to have an "active and lively town". We will promote the historical and cultural heritage sites in town, such as Japan Heritage “Old Silver Mine Carriage Road / Ore Road” and Fukumoto Ruins.
    The third aim is "town planning for the future". We need more job opportunities in town that work to promote the town’s natural beauty. We also need convenient means of transportation throughout town and to expand the community bus.
    The fourth is the "promoting Kamikawa Town". Based on the four aims above, we can strongly work together on revitalizing our town. Locals are vitally important to promote these policies.

    For that purpose, we will strengthen forestry and agriculture regeneration, continue the welfare of the elderly, child rearing and tourism. Also, the improvement of the housing accessibility for young people. We hope that in 20 to 30 years, based on these policies, Kamikawa Town will become a thriving town for all residents, including the elderly. I will be devoted to working harder than ever.
    I hope that 2018 will be a wonderful year for everyone. We look forward to working with you this year.



    所在地: 〒679-3116 兵庫県神崎郡神河町寺前64番地(神河町役場本庁舎2階)

    電話番号: 0790-34-0001 ファックス番号: 0790-34-0691



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